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5th anniversary


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...is 25! It only feels like minutes since the 20th anniversary - I can't really believe it's come around so quickly!


Speaking of time flying...




...yes, we're celebrating 5 years under our name of Neighboursfans. This November, the forums will have been running for a DECADE - but we've now hit the tipping point where we've been running longer as Neighboursfans than under Erinsborough (the forums there ran from Nov 2000 - Mar 2005, whereas Neighboursfans has been going from Mar 2005 - Mar 2010).


The Board


...we've had a few changes with the board this year, not least us upgrading to the new software. That's caused us to have a new look and a few new features, such as the status update bar (can you imagine us not having that now?!?!). We've also had about 2,600 new members join us this year (hello!).




...everyone has been working hard on the episodes site - as usual! In the past year, we've added over 770 new episodes to the archive, and over 8000 screencaps...which means that we've got over 40,000 screencaps on the site altogether - which is a little bit crazy.




I know I do this every year, but I really mean it when I thank my fellow Management, the Staff and the Contributors for all of their invaluable work that they do to keep this site running. Thanks also to all of the members - you guys make the site by logging on each day and posting; it's been great to see some new faces this year, and as always, thanks to the regulars who log on every day and keep the chatter going.


Comments, questions and suggestions are always welcome - just hit us up with a reply in this thread. I think a few of you probably know that we had a few things in the planning stages for the anniversary but I've been kept a bit busy offline so we'll just push things out as anniversary year things instead, I reckon.


I think that's it! Thanks everyone, and here's to another awesome year! Peace out.


Happy 5th birthday NeighboursFans.com! Thank you Sal for all your hard work, the board has really improved since the changes last year, not that it was needed. This board is easily one of the best on the internet, Neighbours-related or not. It sort of has the perfect blend, it's relaxed and you don't get the feeling that you're going to be moderated for a small mistake like on some other sites, but you don't allow it to be filled up with txt speak and useless posts either.


May there be many more years, who knows if this board can reach the same birthday as Neighbours is celebrating today? 




I second what Graham said. Plus, a big thanks to all the summarisers, mods and everyone else who helps to create this wonderful site. I only wish I could help out in some way but time is not my friend anymore!


Nice summary of the past year there Sal. I couldn't imagine not having the status update bar now, it's become a nice integral part of the forum :D.


So again, happy 5th birthday NF.com!


I don't know where I will be in Neighbours world without Neighboursfans.com

You guys have done a great job thanks for your hard work you guys have done over the years!!!!


Happy Birthday to us and to Neighbours!


Special thanks to Sal for running a completely awesome forum. It's been my little home on the internet for seven years now, and I hope there's many more to come :)


Sunday sees me celebrate 5 years here as a member, I will conduct a review of my 5 years over the weekend to commemerate this special occassion ;)


I can't believe it's the 25th anniversary and NF.com's 5th birthday too - where does the time go? Thanks to Sal and everyone who puts in so much work into the site :D. The episode summary archive in particular is such a fantastic resource, what an achievement.


I joined the board in April 2003, when it was Erinsborough.com. I enjoy being a member as much today as I did back then.



Thanks Sal and the team for providing such a great place on the net to hang out with like minded people and have a good old fashioned chin wag.


Wow, I can't believe it's been 5 years already. I joined Erinsborough in 2004, and it's just flown by. I don't post as much as I used to, but I still drop by frequently. Many thanks to Sal for providing this internet home and to everyone who helps to keep everything running!


Oops, appeared to have missed this thread the other day. Congrats to everyone who makes this place what it is and to Sal for keeping it all going for us. I find it hard to believe I joined Erinsborough around 6 years ago and although I've dipped in and out I've been pretty much a regular for the past 3-3.5 years! This is easily one of the best communities I've been on online :).

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