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Avatar Changes


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  • 2 months later...
  • Management

I've started this in motion now. You will find that your avatar has most probably disappeared, so please head to the gallery to change it.


At the moment there are NO couple or group avatars. This isn't a permanent thing...it's just that this has taken me over 5 hours already tonight and I need to sleep. ;) They will be back shortly.


Instead of being grouped into families, each character now has their own folder - and there are no enhanced folders either...all of the avatars are grouped together, regardless of style.


....think that's everything!


Have some of the avatars been deleted permantely?


There's about 4 avatars for Izzy that I used and none of them are in the Izzy avatar folder now. It doesn't bother me if some of the character avatars have been deleted permanently because some characters had too many. I just thought I'd ask. :)

  • Management

No, no - I was having an annoying time with Izzy avatars last night. Some of the avatars had to be done manually, and Izzy had more of these than most. By half 3 I'd had enough, so I just threw up the ones that were ready and aimed to sort Izzy out when I did the group avatars later.




They've still got the old filename, as you can probably see...but they're safe. :)

Posted (edited)

Thanks Sal, I was worried that all the Libby/Steph and Kusan avs had disappeared :lol: I'm glad I read this :D

Edited by kasfan

Thanks for all the reorganising Sal. :)


Can I just say, I love how Ringo and Janae are a couple in the avatar folders!

  • Management

LOL, I ummed and ahhed for what to label them as for ages, but I figured that it sort of counts.


And it means I can have a Phil/Susan folder too. :whistling:


Just thought I'd let you know that there are 2 Paul/Lyn folders. Sorry if you already knew this, I think organising the folders is probably beyond hard. :)


Oh yeah, and I really like the smaller folders because you don't have to wait for the page to load.


Thanks Sal. :bowdown:

Posted (edited)

LOL Well done on the re-sorting of the avatars. Glad there is individual character sections too. I have a few more Fitzy avatars for the Fitzgerald-Dan folder, but can't upload those yet - Episodes that they refer to have not aired in the UK yet. :)


LOL if anything I'm suprised your eyes didn't fall out Sal, mine certainly would have:)

Edited by ShadowDan
  • Management
Just thought I'd let you know that there are 2 Paul/Lyn folders. Sorry if you already knew this, I think organising the folders is probably beyond hard. :)

Thank you - that's extremely helpful...I probably wouldn't have noticed! :)


Dan - my fingers are close to falling apart, if not my eyes! There's over 3,000 avatars uploaded and there's at least another 1500 to go! I'm never doing this again! ;) </famous last words>


Just out of curiousity, how are you going to label groups and non-real couples? Eg, Libby and Steph. Not just couples but friendships too.

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