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Our hosts are upgrading our server on Sunday, which will result in a small amount of downtime for us. I'm not entirely sure when on Sunday this will commence, but I would hazard a guess at Sunday afternoon (as our host is -5 hours GMT).


I will be backing up the board tomorrow night. Hopefully, the transfer will occur without a hitch but it can never hurt to have a spare copy. ;)


You should be able to just keep looking at the site to see when we return but I strongly suggest that you bookmark: http://community.livejournal.com/nf_com_updates/


I will post on the above Livejournal site if there is any news about the upgrade (e.g. if there are any issues, if I know when we're due back online etc).


Hopefully we'll only be off for a short while and we should be back fairly rapidly, ready to resume normal service on Sunday night. :)

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