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~ Jen ~'s Achievements
About Me
* traveller at heart. Am discovering this after a couple of trips to Australia where I am planning to emigrate to in the not-so-distant future. This is both a good and bad thing. Good in that I love the country, bad in that I love my friends and family. But the latter can come visit
* newly qualified teacher
* twentysomething, Mum, Dad, younger brother. Typical upbringing with the notable exception that my family is insane. Probably clinically
* second generational Irish gal
* loves music, dancing, chocolate, tea and the TV show Neighbours with a passion. Diss that and I will kill you
* daughter, sister, cousin, friend. Best friend, surrogate sister and occasional mother hen
* I do a very good cooked breakfast. Invite me to stay and I'll probably do it as a thank you
* I also cook meals, so you could get dinner out of me too
* drinks red wine, vodka, cocktails
* chocolate should be a food group
* in my bag you will always find my purse, my iPod, my mobile, my keys and a notebook and pen. Probably some plasters too
* skirts and dresses are teh evil and if you see me in either, take a picture
* I hate having my photo taken. Unless I'm with someone from Neighbours (remember that show?) 'cause... y'know... cast!
* sane fangirl
* is more in love with Rob Thomas than a) she should be, and b) will admit