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Status Replies posted by wizardt™

  1. Thanks for the 8624 summary, LIam, just letting you know it says "Episode: 8621" at the top. :)

    1. wizardt™


      Whoops! Cheers, it's sorted now. :)

  2. Just letting you know I think a scene may have been cut from the UK version of 6829.

    1. wizardt™


      Okay... why me? :D And which scene?


      ETA: Sorry Ruby, I realise now from your post in the episode thread that you mean 8289 (rather than 6829) which is my episode. I'll take a look when I come to summarise. :)

  3. Much like Kerry, Dee and CamRob, it seems I have a doppelganger. ;) To be specific: I don't and have never posted on the Digital Spy forums. Just wanted to clear that up!

    1. wizardt™


      I can only assume so. You know what they say about imitation and flattery :D

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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